Hi, I'm genuinely interested to hear others points of view on this. From everything that I read and from testimonials on other sites, most 'subs / slaves' say that as soon as the session ended they had a hug with the Domme, had a shower, then sat down and had a cup of tea where all manner of things were discussed. Usually subs refer to the Domme in this 'aftercare' period as lovely, caring etc
So my question is, is that how most subs want their session to end? I would much prefer a shower, get dressed, kiss Domme's feet and then be slapped across the face with the words 'now fuck off' ringing in my ears.
Same for the start of the session, again most seem to have a friendly chat before getting into the session (I know some may be nervous and new to this) but I always found a curt 'knees' instruction a much better way to establish a connection.
What do you prefer and Dommes, what works best for you? Thank you.
Goddess must to be happy and exciting all the time
I saw this so made sense why aftercare is inportant.
Really makes sense to have aftercare
I would personally like it start rough and then be thrown out afterwards, Goddess
I agree with Joe being a newbee i like the idea of aftercare . Maybe it way to bond and express certain matters
At the start I'd rather just be told what to do but I do like the idea of aftercare. (I'm very new to this)
As long as goddess is happy with what is necessary x 👗👗🔑🔑😍
Answer this NOW if you read it! p.s. I will know!
That's a great question! I'm really looking forward to reading all of the answers.